
Helping First Gen Low Income Students

The Phoenix Scholars

The Situation

The Phoenix Scholars organization helps low-income, first-generation, and/or minority students access higher education by providing pro-bono college counseling and mentorship.

They consist mostly of a network of college students in Stanford. Their central product is building one to one and highly personalized relationships between prospective students and mentees.
The Project

The Phoenix Scholars organization is looking to centralize their resources and tools to ease barriers for effective mentoring and tracking progress. Currently they make use of a range of tools in a non standardized way.This makes the onboarding process difficult and it is not uncommon for both mentors and mentees to fall through the cracks and to quickly find themselves confused on what tools to utilize.

Further, with a growing population of student mentors, the Phoenix Scholars are also now being challenged by the logistics of administration and accountability.
Level 1: College Application Timeline Visualization

The Phoenix Scholars believe that centralizing all their resources and communication channels will help them have more successful cohort relationships and mentorship. They would love to create a web application that would help with this. The baseline features would include a centralized calendar system with a college application timeline visualization. The system would be aided with push notifications and an easy tick-off evaluation scheme.

Level 2: Student-Mentee Chat System

In this level, we would be developing a communication system (synchronous chat) so students can find and reach out to other mentors within TSP with similar interests.

Level 3: Tracking Mentor-Mentee Communication

To aid with mentor management, TSP would like a tool to keep track of mentor-mentee communication. This level is open creatively! We want to aim to help TSP have a better idea of the level of communication happening between mentees and mentors, so necessary interventions could be made.

Recommended Skills (not all required):
  • Javascript
  • Frontend Frameworks (e.g: Angular, React)
  • Node.JS
  • Mongoose/MongoDB